Essence de liège
Essence de liège
Essence de liège
Essence de liège
Essence de liège

Essence de liège


Only the light


In its secret club, cork has found itself a queen, the moon. It has snagged her metallic shine: copper, silver, gold! In its crevices, labyrinths are traced, sparkles are casted. And then, as a final gift, champagne bubbles are offered their amazing power, resisting gravity.

This collection of dyed cork combines two effects, the metallic print transferred onto the surface and the foil which appears in the background through the cork cut-outs. 3 designs (tricolored), a panel and plains.


Plus product : Handcrafted product, Raw material 

RM 631 20 - Bercée par la nature

RM 631 20

RM 631 71 - Un chic ultime

RM 631 71

RM 631 72 - Parler d'or

RM 631 72

RM 631 80 - Entrer dans la matière

RM 631 80

RM 631 92 - Faste d'oligarque

RM 631 92

RM 631 94 - Le sens du confort

RM 631 94

RM 986 01 - Le fait du Prince

Métal brush
RM 986 01

RM 986 20 - La poudrière des âmes

Métal brush
RM 986 20

RM 986 72 - Un charisme en or

Métal brush
RM 986 72

RM 987 01 - Divine grâce

RM 987 01

RM 987 72 - Une force naturelle

RM 987 72

RM 987 80 - Pôle magnétique

RM 987 80

RM 988 01 - Une précieuse collaboration

RM 988 01

RM 988 20 - L'entrée des artistes

RM 988 20

RM 988 32 - Capitale nuance

RM 988 32

RM 988 72 - Sensation forte

RM 988 72

RM 989 01 - Prix d'excellence

RM 989 01

RM 989 72 - Valeur de symbole

RM 989 72

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