La caravane
La caravane
La caravane
La caravane
La caravane
La caravane

La caravane


It is said in Seoul that luck is tucked away in the folds of the Pojagi fabric. When this everyday fabric transforms itself as a coated canvas, and lends its patchwork to walls, is good fortune still hidden within the textile? We have seen it reappear between the large meshes of abaca and raffia weaves. On the canvas, in vast areas of solid color, detailed with decorative topstitching, it has the elegance of a soft and soothing gift. With earthy, sometimes faded attributes from having been passed down and pieced together through many generations, it maintains an ever-soothing article of design.

This collection was conceived as a sequel to the Eldorado wallcovering collection, based on the Atelier d'Artiste design. It originates from the discovery of the Korean fabric, Pojagi. These textiles used to wrap gifts and objects (Chogak is the popular term) are composed of several fabrics. They are reinterpreted here in pattern layouts of coated canvas, reflecting a raffia or abaca effect in serene and melodic colors, almost chalky for some: terracotta, powdery pinks, lake greens and blues, natural whites.

With the collaboration of Marie Papillaud and Vincent Gevin

SCS Indoor Advantage GOLD
VP 880 02 - Esprit de charme

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 02

VP 880 15 - Ménager ses arrières

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 15

VP 880 17 - Garder ses certitudes

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 17

VP 880 21 - Le message du silence

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 21

VP 880 22 - Apaisante et feutrée

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 22

Ambiance image
VP 880 23 - Brumes existentielles

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 23

VP 880 24 - Voyages intérieurs

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 24

VP 880 25 - Une écriture artistique

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 25

VP 880 26 - Châtaigne d'Arcadie

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 26

VP 880 27 - Plonger dans l'imaginaire

Atelier d'artiste
VP 880 27

VP 942 01 - Le commencement des temps

Moshi moshi
VP 942 01

VP 942 03 - L'équilibre des formes

Moshi moshi
VP 942 03

VP 942 04 - Passion intemporelle

Moshi moshi
VP 942 04

VP 942 05 - Conquérir les coeurs

Moshi moshi
VP 942 05

VP 942 06 - Emotion singulière

Moshi moshi
VP 942 06

VP 942 07 - Une charge symbolique

Moshi moshi
VP 942 07

VP 942 08 - Plaisir sensoriel

Moshi moshi
VP 942 08

VP 942 09 - Accueillir l'imprévu

Moshi moshi
VP 942 09

VP 942 10 - Valeur ancestrale

Moshi moshi
VP 942 10

Ambiance image
VP 942 11 - Donner du sens

Moshi moshi
VP 942 11

VP 942 13 - Un sanctuaire intime

Moshi moshi
VP 942 13

VP 943 01 - Un véritable enchantement

VP 943 01

VP 943 02 - Porteur de paix

VP 943 02

VP 943 03 - L'appel au sensible

VP 943 03

VP 943 04 - Une grâce naturelle

VP 943 04

VP 943 05 - L'esprit des voyages

VP 943 05

VP 943 06 - La poésie des épices

VP 943 06

Ambiance image
VP 943 07 - Une part de mystère

VP 943 07

VP 943 08 - La nuit des temps

VP 943 08

VP 944 02 - Tout en poésie

VP 944 02

VP 944 03 - La patience du temps

VP 944 03

VP 944 04 - Le talent de l'artisan

VP 944 04

VP 944 05 - Le fruit d'un savoir faire

VP 944 05

VP 944 06 - Symbole tribal

VP 944 06

VP 944 07 - Avec des doigts de fée

VP 944 07

VP 944 08 - Des gens au bout des doigts

VP 944 08

VP 945 01 - Au pied du Ventoux

Au pied du Ventoux
VP 945 01

VP 946 01 - Medina

VP 946 01

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